Meet GoLedger

GoLedger is a company specialized in developing Private and Permissioned Blockchains on demand.

Performing transactions in the safest way possible at the lowest cost allowed is a goal that has been pursued over time. Nowadays, this is a goal that impacts the lives of almost everyone.

But we have no doubt that in our complex society the cost of trust is increasing every day. Whether due to the number of transactions we make or the ability of individuals to defraud this ecosystem.

Blockchain is the perfect technological solution to make a unified process instantiated between several companies or institutions that are independent of each other, with 100% reliability in transactions.

We work with Private and Permissioned Blockchains based on the Hyperledger framework, a Linux Foundation project.



Among more than 550 startups from 25 different countries registered in its 1st Stage, the result was announced today with the 78 startups recognized with the iImpact seal in 2021.

The detailed evaluation process was divided into three stages, involving more than 80 evaluators, both Brazilian and foreign, who arrived at this final list of startups that generate ESG impacts that are highly relevant to Latin America.

GoLedger was recognized as the company that generated the most socio-environmental impact businesses in Latin America in SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals, and was among the TOP 3 in SDG 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

Strategic Defense

Cyberattacks on countries have become a serious problem. Insider threats also pose a major risk to national security. In a critical infrastructure system, a single insider threat can force the collapse of systems.

GoLedger is accredited as a Strategic Defense Company (EED) by the Ministry of Defense, in accordance with the standards established by Law No. 12,598/2012. GoFabric is the only blockchain network orchestration platform accredited by the Ministry of Defense as a Strategic Defense Product (PED).

Selo Empresa Estratégica de Defesa e Produto Estratégico de Defersa
Selo GovTech


The BrazilLAB GovTech Seal certifies startups as capable and able to work and sell to different government agencies, that is, as a GovTech.

The Seal, which functions as an independent certification granted by BrazilLAB, a non-governmental organization based in São Paulo-SP, had its criteria developed based on the experiences and knowledge of our team over several years of work – in addition to contributions from consultants, lawyers and external experts.

Our Team

Managing Partners

Marcos Sarres


Founding partner of the security company Aker (the first Brazilian firewall), the integrator BlackBull and the digital financial services platform MoneyClip. He has worked for over 27 years as an executive in the security market in Brasília, always with an innovative outlook and a focus on the future market. He mentors startups in the Federal District and is frequently invited to be a judge at events in the area, especially hackathons.

Gustavo Sanches


He was the Head of IT at the Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency - ANAC, where he currently leads a Blockchain initiative. He is about to launch his flight logbook on a private Blockchain. Antes de ingressar na ANAC, ele implementou virtualização e integração de sistemas no Sistema Judiciário Brasileiro. Como chefe de Tecnologia e Inovação, o Sr. Sanches foi membro ativo de diversos grupos de trabalho e comitês governamentais com o objetivo de melhorar a interoperabilidade e a integração de dados do governo por mais de 15 anos. Possui graduação em Direito, Análise de Sistemas e também possui especialização em Redes de Computadores.

Technical Partners

Samuel Venzi


Back-End Developer, focused on the automatic deployment of Blockchain networks, using Hyperledger. Graduated in Mechatronics Engineering from the University of Brasília. Certified Hyperledger Fabric Administrator.

Bruno Andreghetti


Architecture definition and library development for smart contracts. Graduated in Mechatronics Engineering from the University of Brasília.


Lucas Campelo

Blockchain Developer

Back-End developer in blockchain. Smart contract programmer in GoLang. Graduating in Computer Science from the State University of Ceará.

Aline Lermen

Blockchain Developer

Back-End developer in blockchain. Smart contract programmer in GoLang. Undergraduate in Software Engineering from the University of Brasília.

Eduardo Picolo

Front-end Developer

Front-End developer of blockchain applications using React.js and Next.js.
Javascript and Typescript programmer. Undergraduate in Software Engineering from the University of Brasília.

Jamille Peres

Blockchain Developer

Back-End developer in blockchain. Smart contract programmer in GoLang. Undergraduate in Computer Science from the State University of Ceará.

Ricardo Santos

Blockchain Developer

Back-End developer in blockchain. Development and architecture of blockchain orchestrator. Graduating in Computer Engineering from the University of Brasília.

Antonio Souza

Blockchain Developer

Blockchain Back-End Developer. Smart Contract Developer for Hyperledger Fabric. Extensive experience with C, C++, Java, Go, Docker and API building. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science fromUniversidade Nove de Julho.

Mikaella Ferreira

Blockchain Developer

Back-End developer in blockchain. Undergraduate in Computer Science from the Federal University of Espírito Santo.

André Macedo

Blockchain Developer

Back-End developer in blockchain. Graduating in Computer Engineering from the University of Brasília.

Kaio Fabian

Account Manager

Studying Systems Analysis and Development at UniMetrocamp, he comes from the technical-informational field and has in-depth knowledge in creating blockchain content with a focus on Web3.

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