
Online Voting

GoVote solution is a pre-configured chaincode template compatible with GoFabric that uses Blockchain to grant trust to electronic voting.

A reliable voting system must have mechanisms that grant digital identification, privacy and voting accountability.

GoVote uses 3 permissioned blockchains based on Hyperledger Fabric allowing electronic voting with features of authenticity, privacy and auditability.

Digital Identification

Digital Identification

Voter enrollment with the usage of biographic and biometric verification

Digital Ballot

Digital Ballot

Digital ballots delivered to voter allowing to vote in the Blockchain network.

Voting Accountability

Voting Accountability

Digital signed receipt of the vote record, using the immutability of the Blockchain to grant transparency and auditing to the election process.

GoVote Differentials

  • 100% Online

    Electronic voting reliable to allow mobile apps to be used to vote anywhere

  • Real Time Counting

    Votes are counted as voters make their choice, providing real time election result.

  • IoT Integration

    Integration among electronic voting machines, ballot counter machines or mobile devices.

  • Security and Privacy

    Segregated blockchain networks connected by digital ballots ensure the security and privacy of the vote, making it impossible to identify the voter's choice