
Digital ID Registration and Identification

GoBio solution is a pre-configured chaincode compatible with GoFabric that uses Blockchain to create a unique digital native digital identity.

GoBio works as a distributed web service governed by a Blockchain to integrate either biographical and biometric registration databases in order to assure the unicity of the enrollment data.

It reduces costs related to the enrollment of biometric data, allowing several other actors to carry out recognition operations.

The smart contract deployed with GoBio allows the usage of the ideal registry, a function that uses statistics to analyze the difference among several registration records and provides the best match for information.



While the registration of new users occurs, GoBio smart contract checks if the user already exists in any database, avoiding the duplication of the enrollment.

Digital ID

Digital ID

Creation of a digital native registration document, providing the storage of historical information on the Blockchain

Distributed Search

Distributed Search

Distributed queries on a distributed web service controlled by a Blockchain. Avoids a single point of failure and provides active fail proof tolerance.

Benefícios do GoBio

  • Compliance

    Compatible with GDPR based laws and NIST algorithms

  • Distributed Search

    Biographic and biometric data search using distributed web services governed by a Blockchai

  • Fraud Protection

    Real time fraud protection for biographic and biometric data registration

  • Ideal Asset

    Similar registries (same person) real time statistics checking

  • Scalable

    Easy to increase the Blockchain usage by other entities and organizations